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Fred, the crocodile, is not a fan of change, but then again, who is?

An unfortunate incident sends Fred scuttling away from his home and familiar surroundings and out into a new and uncertain world. 

Fred the crocodile was inspired by my real-life parenting experiences.

Everyone with young kids will be familiar with the tears that can come from

coping with change. A broken toy, a new blanket or even trying new foods.

It's a hard concept to master for a little child. This story popped into my head as a way of talking to my three-year-old about how something unfamiliar doesn't necessarily mean something bad. 

A cat is not a dog/ the dog is not a cat, is my second picture book in rhyme. It's been inspired by all the cats I've ever known, and I suppose by the dogs too. 


It's a tongue-in-cheek take on the reality of our relationships with cats vs dogs and how diametrically different these tend to be. I hope this book encourages kids to ponder the unique and endearing qualities of both animals and people, promote understanding, and inspire kindness towards differences. This would truly fulfill me as a storyteller.


Published by Daffodil Lane Books 2023




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mr. proper

Mr Proper - inspired by MR MEN series

A family favourite growing up was the Mr. Men series by Roger Hargreaves. Therefore, it was only natural that it was one of the first book series my parents (now grandparents) introduced my children to. 

Mr Pouchie - Mr Men

​On my father’s 70th birthday, inspired by these beautiful books, I decided to create my very own Mr. Men book. I thought of it as the perfect way to celebrate my wonderful father.


And so, Mr. Proper was born based on my father’s fastidious nature. I wrote the rest of my family into the story as well. Each person’s unique personality - brought to the fore by a personalized Mr. Men character. The illustrations and layouts are by my very talented friend - kids product designer and artist extraordinaire - @popgoestheart.

Dream Ticket


I am addicted to online shopping. It’s bad... real bad. Sometimes I find myself surfing for the most inane things and adding them to my cart. I’m also guilty of buying some spectacularly random and unnecessary things! Like who needs a reading light that you can wrap around your neck or four different colours of iPad stands? Do you see my point? 


To make matters worse, I'm a rabid animal and wildlife lover, try my very best to buy only cruelty-free products and hate plastic. You can see the inherent contradictions in my belief and actions.


This is where my story ‘STUFF’ was born. I, too, like Edgar, sometimes would just prefer to look away and not confront my own hypocrisy. But adulting is hard, and I’m trying to do better… it’s still a work in progress.

Alarm Clock


Kids stuff, kids and capatilism , greedy


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Cat adventures, cats are magical, zen cats


I love my cats, Alex and Suki, and I love how completely bat shit bananas they are. Sometimes I watch them, and I think about how they exist on a completely different plane of reality from us humans. 

I remember reading somewhere that a cat’s brainwaves are predominantly in Alpha mode. This is what happens to us when we are deeply relaxed or daydreaming. Alpha waves are also associated with transcendental meditation and intuition. 


I love this binary; cats can be at the same time almost meditatively at ease or completely alert and ready to pounce. Switching from one state to the other in a matter of seconds. And so I imagine that their inner world must be equally bizarre, a blending of complete tranquility and heart-stopping action. Akin to casting monks in a Vin-Diesel action movie. Now, who wouldn't want to watch a movie like that?

the world's best bad dog

Worlds best bad dog - dogs are best, dogs picture books

My friends and family will attest that Daku was indeed the World's Best Bad Dog. His antics were so legendary that he was famous everywhere he went. 

I remember being surprised many times when taking him for a walk by the sheer number of people that would stop to say hi to him and who knew a lot about him already. From the fat portly, biscuit feeding 'Uncle' on Marine Drive to a stranger in another building, who wrote to me when Daku passed. 

His fame was well deserved, for where else would you find a dog that had eaten a walnut-sized portion of wasabi and remained completely unaffected! Or one that learnt how to open a refrigerator and steal the cat treats! 


The WBBD series was the easiest thing I've written - I didn't even need to make things up to be more exciting. 

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